AGTech subsidiary secures lottery terminal tenders in China

AGTech subsidiary secures lottery terminal tenders in China

The tenders cover Sports Lottery Administration Centres in the provinces of Shaanxi, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu.

China.- The lottery service provider AGTech Holdings Limited has announced that one of its subsidiaries has won the tenders to supply lottery terminals to the Sports Lottery Administration Centres in the provinces of Shaanxi, Zhejiang, and Jiangsu. It said the news “demonstrates the group’s continued industry-leading position and commitment in the lottery hardware market.”

AGTech Holdings creates lottery hardware and software, designs lottery systems and games, and supplies terminals. Following a change in its financial year, the company posted revenue of HK$766.6m for the fifteen months ended March 31, a rise of 118 per cent year-on-year. Revenue was mainly from electronic payment and related services in Macau (HK$455m) and lottery (HK$311m).

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