Hong Kong’s CSD to introduce new anti-gambling operations

Correctional Services Department will implement a number of measures ahead of 2016 UEFA European Championship.

Hong Kong.- The Correctional Services Department (CSD) has implemented a series of measures and operations in an effort to combat potential soccer betting and other gambling activities conducted by persons in custody arising from the 2016 UEFA European Championship to be held in June.

Lam Wai, the department’s Acting Senior Superintendent, stated that the CSD always attends to the regular schedule for work and rest of persons in custody in correctional institutions, strives to ensure their discipline and institutional order, and proactively combats any illicit activity.

“Given that there were persons in custody engaging in various forms of gambling activities arising from the major soccer matches in the past, thereby affecting institutional discipline, the CSD has stepped up a series of anti-gambling operations from the beginning of this year to combat potential gambling activities involving persons in custody and to let persons in custody understand that the CSD has adopted a zero-tolerance approach towards any form of gambling,” said Lam.

During the Championship, the Correctional Services Department will continue to step up the anti-gambling operations.