Singapore to overhaul gambling regulation

Gambling regulation in Singapore is set for a massive overhaul in 2021.
Gambling regulation in Singapore is set for a massive overhaul in 2021.

Additional details on the changes being made to gambling regulation in the country.

Singapore.- Gambling regulation in Singapore is set for a massive overhaul next year as the country looks to change the way in which the market is overseen and managed.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) plans to expand the mandate of the Casino Control Commission in order to create the Gambling Regulatory Authority (GRA), which will oversee all areas of gaming in the city state.

The MHA has admitted that these changes will not be carried out until 2021 and they will overhaul gambling regulation in the country.

This will keep Singapore ahead of new technological trends and responsive to emerging products. It also stressed that the overall stance would continue to be ‘generally prohibitive’.

The Casino Control Commission currently regulates Singapore’s two integrated resorts. Regulation of fruit machines and remote services comes from a gambling unit within the MHA.

And racing and wagering activities carried out by Singapore Pools are regulated by the Singapore Totalisator Board. Online gaming, outside of activities carried out by Singapore Pools, is strictly prohibited.

The new GRA will consolidate and optimise gambling regulatory resources within a single agency.

Casinos in Singapore are currently closed due to lockdown measures in place to fight the Coronavirus pandemic.

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