Century finds new venue in Sihanoukville

Unable to negotiate better terms for its lease, Century is taking its gaming tables to the new Ming Guan Hotel.
Cambodia.- Century Entertainment International has announced it will move from Sihanoukville’s Sunshine Bay Hotel to a new location.
According to a filling sent to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Century Entertainment had gaming table business rights at the hotel for five years starting March 31.
But with casinos remaning closed, the rights holder Lion King had been attempting to negotiate a reduction on the lease. Unable to negotation, it’s now found better terms elsewhere and will move gaming tables to the new Ming Guan Hotel.
According to Century Entertainment International Holdings, the current facility remains closed and Lion King is still negotiating the final terms of the agreement.
This location would provide the company with rights to use the 17,000 square metres of the hotel floor area for 50 slot machines, 40 mass market tables and 40 VIP gaming tables. The hotel has 176 rooms, two restaurants, a swimming pool, spa and night club.