New Jersey bill aims to ban online sports betting ads

New Jersey bill aims to ban online sports betting ads

Bill A5207 proposes changes to the state law on sports betting advertisements.

US.- New Jersey Assemblyman Brian Bergen has introduced Bill A5207 seeking to ban online advertisements for sports wagering in the state. The proposal has been referred to the Assembly Tourism, Gaming and the Arts Committee.

This bill, introduced on January 16, would prohibit sports wagering licensees, and their employees, agents, and contracted operators, from “posting, distributing, broadcasting, disseminating, or otherwise making viewable to the public any sports pool-related advertising via the Internet or any other web-based platform, including mobile applications, and from sponsoring or financing any such advertisements in this state.”

The state’s casinos and horse tracks that offer sports betting reported $6.3bn in gaming revenue in 2024, up 9 per cent from 2023 ($5.78bn) and setting a new annual record for the state. The casino win for the nine Atlantic City casino hotels was $2.82bn, down 1.1 per cent compared to 2023: $2.39bn from internet gaming and $1.09bn from sports betting.

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