Macau’s Chief Executive gave no details about casino licences renewal

Ho Iat Seng, Macau’s chief executive, was asked about the possibility of a renewal of Macau’s six gaming concessions but gave a noncommittal answer.
Macau.- The majority of Macau’s casino operators are confident that current casino licences will be renewed. However, authorities gave no clue about it at least for now.
Ho Iat Seng, Macau’s chief executive was asked about a possible renewal of Macau’s six gaming concessions and the timetable for completing the review of Macau’s gaming laws but didn’t give a date.
The Macau government has previously stated that the current casino licences will expire in June 2022, so a new open tender process will be carried out, although Macau’s gaming law will be revised before then.
The government has also mentioned that it intends to complete the latter task in the fourth quarter of this year.
Ho Iat Seng stated: “We are now compiling the opinions collected during the public consultation period. We need then to start the legislative process by submitting the bill to the Legislative Assembly.”
According to him, the revision of Macau’s gaming laws will be done following nine main topics including the end of the current sub-concession system that led to the creation of three additional Macau casino licences.
The government also wants to increase the oversight of gaming concessionaires and junket operations, but it will maintain at least six gaming concessions.
Authorities have also proposed electing “delegates” to Macau’s gaming concessions, so it can have a “greater checking” limit on the activity of the gaming firms. A delegate system is already used to monitor other forms of public concession.
As of now, it is still unknown if the revision of Macau’s gaming law will be finished before the end of current casino licences in June 2022.