Chinese lottery sales up 10.2% in April

Chinese lottery sales up 10.2% in April

Sales in April reached CNY55.46bn (US$7.8bn).

China.- The Ministry of Finance has reported that lottery ticket sales reached CNY55.46bn (US$7.8bn) in April, up 10.2 per cent year-on-year but down 77.28 per cent when compared to March.

Welfare Lottery sales were CNY18.76bn (US$2.64bn), up 20.3 per cent year-on-year. Sports lottery sales increased by 5.7 per cent to CNY36.69bn (US$5.16bn).vCumulatively, Chinese lottery sales for the first four months of the year were up 17 per cent at CNY204.92bn (US$28.82bn).

For full-year 2023, Chinese lottery sales were up by 36.5 per cent at CNY579.7bn (US$81.64bn). The sales of lottery tickets for the country’s welfare system increased by 31.3 per cent to CNY194.44bn while sports lottery tickets sales rose by 39.3 per cent to CNY385.26bn.

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