SkyCity to reopen Auckland casino next week

Auckland continues in level of alert 3 in the fight against Covid-19 until next Monday.
New Zealand.- SkyCity Entertainment Group has announced the reopening of its casino in Auckland for Monday, when the city expects to return to a lower level of alert over Covid-19.
In a media release the company stated it will reopen its Auckland property on August 31 with physical distancing and hygiene measures in place.
SkyCity’s Hamilton and Queenstown properties remained open as the country entered level of alert 2 in mid-August after a spike in community transmitted Covid-19 cases.
Auckland then entered in alert level 3 and lockdown measures were announced by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern until Sunday 30.
She said it is expected businesses will be able return to level of alert 2 as of next Monday if there’s no significant change in cases.
The government will review the situation in relation on September 6.