Former IPI employee seeks participation in limited receivership

Joshua Gray has been awarded over $5m.
Joshua Gray has been awarded over $5m.

An employee who has been awarded US$5.6m in a discrimination lawsuit wants to be included in the limited receivership proceedings.

Northern Mariana Islands.- Joshua Gray, a former employee who won a discrimination lawsuit against Imperial Pacific International (IPI), has filed a request with the federal court to allow his inclusion in ongoing limited receivership proceedings related to the case of USA Fanter Cor. vs IPI.

On May 30, 2023, the District Court for the NMI granted Gray a default judgment against IPI, followed by a judgment the next day awarding him US$5.6m. Now represented by attorney Aaron Halegua, he argues that joining the limited receivership should not be barred and that IPI no longer opposes the move.

According to Mariana’s Variety, the joint stipulation submitted by the parties clarifies that IPI’s withdrawal of opposition and Gray’s participation should not be construed as a waiver of any other rights by IPI, nor as consent to any other execution efforts or enforcement proceedings.

Chief judge Ramona V. Manglona appointed Clear Management as the receiver in charge of selling IPI’s gaming equipment to fulfil a judgment to USA Fanter, which had sued IPI over unpaid work at its casino in the Northern Mariana Islands. 

See also: Clear Management seeks release of US$21K in commission from IPI auctions

In this article:
Imperial Pacific International