Malaysia: court issues gag order to prevent activist’s Forest City casino comments

Malaysia: court issues gag order to prevent activist’s Forest City casino comments

Activist Badrul Hisham Shaharin must not comment on purported plans for a casino in Forest City, Johor.

Malaysia.- The High Court has issued a gag order against Badrul Hisham Shaharin to prevent him from making statements about a purported casino project in Forest City, Johor. The order will last while he remains on charge for allegedly making seditious remarks on his Facebook account.

The political activist was arrested in April after speculating about the supposed casino development. Judge Datuk Abu Bakar Katar said that while freedom of speech is protected under Article 10 of the Federal Constitution, it is not an absolute right. 

The casino speculation was denied by prime minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and the companies allegedly involved, Genting and Berjaya.

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