Macau Airport reduces fees to help airlines

The reduced fees will apply from 1 February to 30 April 2020 for qualified airlines to alleviate pressure caused by Covid-19.
Macau.- Macau International Airport Company Limited (CAM) has announced that it will reduce landing and taking-off fees for three-months to alleviate pressure on airlines during the Coronavirus outbreak.
According to Inside Asian Gaming, the reduced fees, largely back-dated, will apply from 1 February to 30 April 2020 for qualified airlines, with the relief amount applied totalling MOP$19million (US$2.4million).
“The aim is to encourage the airlines to continue providing air transportation services and to express our support for the resumption of flights in the future,” CAM said in a statement.
The company recently revealed it was expecting less than 10 flight movements per day – fewer than 300 throughout the month – in April, having seen daily movements drop to below 35 per day or 1,050 total for the month of March.
Last week, Lei Wai Nong, Macau’s Secretary for Economy and Finance, revealed measures that includes a US$1.3billion fund to give eligible taxpayers a monthly grant of $600 for a period of three months.
The grant will only be made available to Macau residents, with migrant workers specifically excluded from receiving the support.
Macau companies and self-employed individuals will be entitled to a grant ranging from $1,900 to $25,000, depending on the number of employees hired.