IPI opposes Clear Management’s reimbursement request

The fifth auction is set to close on June 9.
The fifth auction is set to close on June 9.

Imperial Pacific International has cited alleged damage to the casino caused during receivership.

Northern Mariana Islands.- Imperial Pacific International (IPI) has raised objections to Clear Management‘s request for reimbursement of expenses incurred while serving as the casino operator’s court-appointed receiver. It accused the company of causing damage to the casino’s tile flooring by operating a forklift without following proper safety protocols.

IPI didn’t object to the specific expenses claimed but requested amount be placed in an escrow account until the claims are resolved. IPI said the company had failed to take responsibility for the damage while Clear Management has denied liability.

According to Saipan Tribune, Clear Management has not yet responded to the motion filed by Imperial Pacific’s attorney, Samuel Slayer. It is seeking payment of US$27,435.93 in expenses accrued between April 1 and April 30. It was appointed receiver by the US District Court for the NMI to sell of casino equipment. A fifth auction of IPI’s equipment is set to close on June 9. The combined sales from the second and third auctions amounted to US$353,642.

In this article:
Imperial Pacific International